Departure weather:
At or above authorized ceiling & visibility landing
A departure alternate is: NOT REQUIRED
Below published ceiling but RVR is 16 or greater (vis 1/4 or
Below published ceiling but RVR is 12 or greater at the
approach end and 10 or greater at the departure end and runway centerline
lighting is operational.
NOTE: Must have centerline lighting and dual RVR readouts for both
approach and departure ends of runway. If a middle RVR display is
installed and operational, RVR required is 10. If 3 transmissometers are
installed, all are controlling. If the middle transmissometer fails,
operations are not affected if the other 2 RVR readouts are at or above
Required within 30 min. flight time with wx reported and
forecast to be at or above mins. or 200-1/2 (RVR 24) whichever is higher,
for 1 hr. after takeoff.
Required within 2 hrs. flight time with existing wx at least
500/1 above approach mins., but no lower than 600/2 for a precision
approach or 800/2 for a non-precision approach, and forecast to remain so
for one hour after ETA.
NOTE: Aircraft must be able to maintain MEA or MOCA (whichever
is higher) to the alternate if an engine fails. (A/6-6,7)
Regardless of Wx, whenever the destination lacks weather reporting
capability or requires any of the following to fly the planned approach:
RADAR, GPS is the only available navaid, or an unmonitored navaid
When destination is outside the CONUS. Exception: if
destination is remote or an island with no alternate available, add
holding fuel; also see special weather requirements in 55-141 for this
case. (A/6-7)
When the worst weather (intermittent or prevailing), for ETA + 1
hour is forecast to be less than 3000/3SM. or 2 mi. more than
the lowest published landing minimum visibility, whichever is greater
NOTE: Pilots may file to a destination whose forecast includes
temporary (Tempo) changes in ceiling and/or visibility that are lower than
prescribed above but an alternate may be required. (F/8-34)
File two alternates when:
The forecast visibility, prevailing or intermittent, is less than
published for an available approach.
Forecast surface winds, prevailing or intermittent, exceed limit,
corrected for RCR. (A/6-7)
Weather requirements for the alternate:
Wx at the alternate, intermittent or prevailing, ETA + 1 hr, must be
at or above 1000/2 or 500/1 above the lowest published landing minimums,
whichever is higher. (F/8-36)
Selected alts. should not be restricted by FLIP, FCG, or dip
clearances, and should be compatible with the mission load. A wx
alternate does not need to be an AMC base or capable of providing en route
mx. (A/6-6)
Obtain final wx briefing. Plan all missions to avoid areas of
forecast or known severe wx including icing or severe turbulence.
Review/sign intel book.
Review transponder settings:
Mode 1 Normal: ,Lantcom: NATO:
Mode 3 Lantcom: 2000 or as in FLIP;
Mode 2 setting for home base:
Mode 4 any mission (trainers & JAATS incl.) that departs home
station: required to check out, load (KYK-13 or CYZ-10) & carry.
(Complete info. in FCB Part I, pg. 2.)
Authentication documents - for flights into an ADIZ exercises,
deployments, specified by ops, overseas msns, nuclear missions (ENAF).
Certification airfield/filmstrip review?
File flight plan.
Flight plan - use "E" + call sign; STS/HOSP (other info.). Need
100 liters troop oxygen. Keep external power connected until all
engines are started. No hazardous cargo. A/C may be refueled
with patients on board. The AE "priority" will be used only
when carrying a sick or seriously injured patient who requires
urgent medical attention. |
(A/Chap 15)
Have copilot(s): Program INS/FSAS, perform avionics pre-flight,
check radios, clearance on request, program IFF/mode 4. Do not delay or
cancel a mission for an inoperable Mode 4 unless the aircraft will
transit an area where safe passage procedures have been implemented (FCB
Check on mx status, loading problems
Sign form F, Ensure ER is signed.
Recheck present position & waypoints. Present position will be
verified by both pilots; Tacan & waypoint data shall be verified by a
pilot. (D/1-158, 159)
(If aircraft is moved during alignment, restart alignment by setting
mode selector to STBY and then back to ALIGN and reinsert present
position. (D/1-158)
Call for pax (T.O.- 40min.)
Set up for departure - maps, radios, command markers,