How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe to the RX-7 E-Mail

The RX-7 E-Mail List is a shared knowledge e-mail exchange
that covers all rotary powered cars. It's an excellent source of info on the RX-7. It's
highly recommended.
To subscribe to the RX7-Digest, send the command:
"subscribe rx7-digest" in the body of a message to Majordomo@World.STD.COM. The digest form of the
mail list comes two to three times a day with about 20 messages grouped into one e-mail.
If you want the mail to come to a different address than you are sending from, such as
having it come to a local redistribution list, then append that address to the
"subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-rotary":
To subscribe to the non-digest (interactive mail), send the command:
"subscribe rx7" in the body of a message to Majordomo@World.STD.COM
To unsubscribe send the command:
"unsubscribe" in the body of a message to Majordomo@World.STD.COM.
RX-7 Mail List Subjects
Please preface the subject line of any posting to the list
with the following keywords:
[1] Messages relating to first generation cars (1978 to 1985 US body style)
[2] Messages relating to second generation cars (1986 to 1991 US body style)
[3] Messages relating to third generation cars (1993 to 1995 US body style)
[all] Messages relating to all models
[misc] Not strictly related to a particular model, but still RX7 related.
[humor] Self explanatoryand, please, not too many of these posts and preferably
RX7 related!
[none] Not RX7 relatedand, please, very few of these, and only with GOOD reason!
[list] Questions/Discussion about the lists themselves
How to Turn Off HTML for Mail List Messages
If anyone cares, Microsoft Exchange "Internet Connection" is where the html/plain text
setting is. But its not obvious. It says "Send attachments as" not send messages
I guess it treats any internet email message as an attachment, oh well..